Become a Member

Association is opened to any natural person or morals, provided that it subscribes to the goals, objectives and activities; that it fills the criteria enumerated in articles 05 to 10 of the statutes of association.
Association University of the Actuary profession currently gathers:
12 regular members. Its regular members are regular members of following actuarial associations: Deutsche Aktuarvereinigung E. V. (DAV) (Germany); Institute of the Actuaries in Belgium (Belgium); Institute of the Actuaries (France)
25 members benefactors and
24 student members.
Do you wish learn more on the ESA and its formations?

You wish to become member? Then do not hesitate to contact the secretariat (office(a) or pdt(a) or a member of the direction of the board of directors

Enter the coordinates of the member you are looking for

Member's area


It was the 13th of february in Nigeria at Eko Hotel & suites, plot 1415 adetokunbo ademola srtreet Victoria Island..

Presentations are available here    


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